Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hula Hoop Rug (with suggestions and improvements)

Now that Spring is here, I've been considering snagging a tool for a tutorial that I'd pinned several months ago. That's's HULA HOOP SEASON! The hoops that I've seen at the dollar store are far too flimsy to hold up for my purpose, but I've spotted a few at other discount, craft, and hardware stores that seem to be sturdy enough to withstand use in this project. I think I may snag a $5 one at Michael's this weekend.

This tutorial on by

Goodwill Outlet Store in Appleton, Wisconsin that offer textiles and other materials at a flat rate per pound.

-Freecycle "want" posts: Since old clothing  IS something that will often end up in a landfill, it's something perfectly rational to ask for. Be forwarned though, practice good judgement when meeting other Freecyclers to pick up items. Most Freecyclers will leave their items out on their front porch/in their mailbox/by their front door for pick up. Entering a stranger's home is unwise.

-Group sourcing: While this is obvious, I'm going to mention it anyway. Let your co-workers/family/friends/etc know that you're collecting old shirts. If someone gives you a ton of discarded shirts, a nice "thank you" might be a rug of their own.


  1. Certainly looks an interesting project, but alas, don't think my fingers would be able to do it for very long. Great way to use up old tee's though. Thanks for sharing. Have a good week-emd.

  2. ive loved that diy idea since i happened across it on pinterest months back too, great ideas for changes too

  3. I have a cupboard full of old sheets that I saved to make crochet rag rugs, but I'm developing arthritis (at 40!) and can't crochet any longer.
    This is just what I needed to use them up and make some great free floor coverings for my work space, thank you!
